東京大学グローバル教育センターの講師で、メディアスタジオでの制作実習科目のひとつである“Visual Ethnography: Filmmaking for Fieldwork”を担当するディペシュ・カレル(Dipesh KHAREL)さんが制作したドキュメンタリー作品が、東京ドキュメンタリー映画祭2024で上映されることになりました!
I’m delighted to share that one of my latest films has been selected and nominated for the Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2024. The film is based on visual ethnographic fieldwork in Kanpur, Northern India, as part of my collaborative research with professors from Bergen University, Oslo University, and the Norwegian Research Council.
The screenings are scheduled for December 5th and 11th, and you can find more details at the link below: https://tdff-neoneo.com/lineup/lineup-5180/
(Dipesh Kharel)